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Deansgate Media -
The UK's Video
Production Agency.


Your new video production team,

without the outlay of building one in-house.

Kaz Crossley

We are a Manchester-based video production company working nationwide with businesses of all sizes offering bespoke and innovative video production solutions.

Love Island star Kaz Crossley working with Deansgate Media, April 2024

We specialise in creating impactful and engaging videos that help businesses effectively communicate their message with their target audience.

With our expertise in video production and storytelling, we aim deliver high quality videos that align with your company’s goals and objectives.


Hear what Ethan White, Director of long-term partner Kingswood Tech Events has to say.


Hear what Phil Jones, Managing Director of long-term partner Brother UK has to say.

Working with the very best clients.

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Why onboard a video production agency?

Onboarding a video production agency allows a company to greatly enhance it’s online presence. We work alongside the existing marketing team to expand their breadth of capabilities and unlike building a team in-house, an agency has the ability to adapt and scale to the requirements of each project whilst having the expertise to be up to date on the latest trends.


Our services include corporate videos, event coverage, social media content, and much more. Utilising our diverse range of services, we use video content to accelerate businesses in the most engaging way possible.

How it works.

We've broken our process into 4 simple steps to help guide you through the workflow of creating awesome video content for your business!

Discovery & Ideas

This is where we establish the overall aim of your video project. We'll work together to ensure we know who the target market is, along with planning a date, location and storyboard.


For many, this is the fun part!

The filming day should be smooth sailing with sufficient planning, and we work to make every shoot as efficient as possible capturing as much content as possible in the time we have allocated.


Post-production involves everything required to make your video look and sound as polished as possible. This includes editing, colour correction, visual FX, sound design and music.

Delivery & Hosting

Once your videos are complete, we'll upload them to a private platform where you can watch, download or share with your team for feedback. After final sign-off, your videos are ready to share with the world!


Ready to take your video
marketing to the next level?

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